Hooray! The best Canadian dessert ever goes keto and sugar-free. Nanaimo Bars were my favorite growing up so when I went low carb, I knew I had to find a way to make them healthier. And I did it! Even my fellow Canadians can't tell they are sugar and grain-free. #nanaimobars #ketodesserts #nobake #sugarfree #easyketo #UKTearoomsandCoffeeHouses

Hooray! The best Canadian dessert ever goes keto and sugar-free. Nanaimo Bars were my favorite growing up so when I went low carb, I knew I had to find a way to make them healthier. And I did it! Even my fellow Canadians can't tell they are sugar and grain-free. #nanaimobars #ketodesserts #nobake #sugarfree #easyketo #UKTearoomsandCoffeeHouses